Africa Drilling & Exploration Ltd

Water is life-conserve it


Both commercial and domestic households are turning to boreholes as a reliable cost
effective water source as they find their water bills are now twice as expensive as
electricity. A successful borehole is an investment that pays for itself time and
time again. The initial cost of a borehole is the minimal cost over the useful life
of the installation.

About us

Africa Drilling & Exploration Ltd (ADE) is privately owned company which got
established in 2007 thorugh RIEPA in Rwanda. It is located near Alpha Palace
Hotel, Gisimenti, Remera, Kigali.The company has well-qualified, well-trained
staff committed to providing the best quality service to our clients.
ADE has the capacity and expertise needed to satisfy all your drilling and
subsurface exploration requirements.The company has established an exceptional
reputation as a provider of quality service with international recognition.
All our works meet local and international standards.We seek to become the
borehole driller of choice for the customer who demands a professional staff
at their service. Africa Drilling & Exploration Ltd(ADE) conducts Geo-Physical
and Hydro-Geological survey to locate a feasible point for drilling borehole
and has proven track record. We will not commence any work unless we believe
we can find water. We strive for excellence in drilling and the use of advanced
technology (Geo-Physical and Hydro-Geological survey with resistivity data) for
survey of borehole sites to reduce the guess work and give feasibility of
availability of ground water to the best of technology offers.

Mission Statement

Survey: Conduct Geo-Physical and Hydro-geological survey (electrical resistivity method).
Drilling: Core drilling(Geo-Technical Investigations), Drilling of boreholes using DTH
method, SIMCAS (simultaneous casing), Mud rotary, and Air rotary.
Installation: We supply and install hand pump, then we build platform and drain channel
,Submersible pumps, Water springs Construction,test pumping.
Reports: We produce and submit detailed reports to the client for every work done.

Make an Appointment

If we Know you better then we will serve you better

Contact Details


Ravinder Reddy.A Chairman
Janardhan Reddy. A Managing Director
Ravula Jyothibasu General Manager
Srinivasa A. Kotha Geologist
and seven other assisstant staff help us to accomplish our mission.


We have long list of clientele who have used our services and
are contented with us. Here are few clients for your reference,
Our Core Drilling Clients:

Client Location Description of work done
Kizito Hotel in Kimihurura Drilled 5 holes of 20m
GIBB Africa Railway line-Rwanda, Tanzania, & Burundi 550m in three countries and in progress
TN & J Kigali downtown Completed
  1. World Vision
  2. REMA(Rwanda Environment Management Authority
  3. Rotary Club of Kigali-Virunga
  4. Angelique International
  5. Rheinland Palatinate
  6. Rwanda Development Bank
  8. JICA

Contact Us

+250 (0)788309495
+250 (0)783372775
+250 (0)722221314
P.O.Box:4059, OPP: RAB (Rwanda Agriculture Board)
Gisimenti, Remera, Kigali, Rwanda.